Nail fungus, the more prominent doctors as onychomycosis – a disease of the uncomfortable, long, requires complex treatment. There are many drugs developed against onychomycosis: creams, liquid lotions, powders, sprays, gels. The doctors themselves make up a list, focusing on the condition of his patient. Are not less effective, there are folk remedies from nail fungus. It is best used as a complementary treatment, and early prevention.

Most domestic ways to view the sponge work, when the disease is in the first, initial stage. Sometimes natural remedies contribute to relieve and independent away the infected plate. Over time, the place it grows another, already healthy nails.
If the fungus revealed late, it is a natural remedy has become a great help official medicine. It must be applied after the official confirmation of the physician, because in mold there are several subspecies, each requires its methods of treatment.
Nail fungus and foot – a very common disease of viral type. Mold spores hit the area around the nails, themselves nail plate. The main place of concentration of the mold is the nail bed. Therefore, some methods of treatment does not bring any apparent effect. Drugs is difficult to penetrate through the dense structure of the nail.
Causes of mold:
- decrease in immunity;
- failure to comply with hygiene;
- diabetes mellitus;
- endocrine disorders, and in particular affect the strength of immunity;
- obesity;
- heavy sweating;
- they are not seasonal shoes;
- specific work;
- carelessness in some public places (swimming pool, sauna, beach, common showers).
Also, it is dangerous to wear other people's shoes. No matter, they're family members, classmates or neighbors. The disease are equally exposed to the adults, youth and children of both sexes. The only difference – a child's treatment requires the correction of dosage in choice of drugs.

Home treatment
For the treatment of nail fungus at home, using a variety of natural remedies has one task – to change the existing alkaline environment of all infected areas on another, acid. It undermines the mushrooms and gradually leads to their painless for body destruction.
Undoubted merit of natural ingredients – their song. No chemistry and the side impact is minimal. Usually after a long medical therapy patients must a while to recover. When you use natural remedies is excluded. They will only help, not harming the body. It is important to choose the right ingredients, here you have the advice of your doctor.
Most often, traditional medicine offers to use:
- soap similar cleansing agents – they are antiseptic, in addition to soften the tissue;
- oil – for mild antiseptic processing, gradually disinfecting;
- solutions acids and related compounds for the manufacture of medicinal baths;
- drug means – should be on the application.
Against mycosis are commonly used:
- economic soap;
- food vinegar;
- a solution of manganese;
- ammonia solution;
- tea tree oil;
- lactic acid;
- glycolic acid;
- boric acid;
- dichromate of potassium;
- with;
- chlorine lime;
- formaldehyde;
- anhydride;
- iodine;
- glycerin;
- kerosene.

Folk medicine
Natural antifungal agents acts more subtle, without trying to somehow harm the cells of the organism. A quick result here is no need to wait, therapy can stretch to 2-3 long months, watch how they managed to develop a fungus.
Methods of home treatment natural remedies include:
- trays, which pays for the disinfection and softening of the tissues;
- local processing antiseptic;
- withdrawal of funds which have an active fungistatic properties on the affected fungus region;
- applique.
You should be aware that treatment must begin immediately, as soon as the first alarming symptoms of the fungus manifests itself. It's not worth it to wait for the spread of the disease.
Folk recipes
A solution of water with soap
Appropriate is not cosmetic, and the usual economic soap. Has sharp specific smell. It is an excellent antiseptic, not in vain the grandmother tried to fight only them.
Method of application:
- The affected area can be simply foaming, then after waiting a time, washed off with warm running water.
- Do the trays – 72% tar (economic) soap rub on a normal grater (large). The pieces put into a preheated water. Better will suit boiled water. Stir until all pieces are dissolved. The temperature of the water, to a maximum of bearable. Then to the pan carefully omit the feet, hold them there for 15-20 minutes.
- Abrasive nail file gently remove the softened top layer of the nail plate, also the keratinized skin cells.

Excellent preparatory procedure, after which it is possible to apply more antimycotic substances. In addition, after the trays feel a pleasant relaxation, your legs are "buzzing" and sleep better.
Lactic acid
Special substances, sold cheaply in pharmacies. Not to be confused with dairy products. It's a chemical compound.
Ways to use:
- Before using the acid, the affected area is necessary to advance on the pair, by a normal hot bath (without anything).
- Then dilute the milk with water, keeping the ratio of 10g. acid (40%) to 0.5 l of fluid.
- Stir and carefully omit the feet in the resulting solution. Hold for 4-5 minutes (no longer). Before using the drop a little of the solution on your elbow, to test the sensitivity of the.
A solution of vinegar essence
Used plain apple cider vinegar. It helps to change the alkaline environment in the tissues to acid, harmful for the fungus.
The essential condition is a preliminary check before using funds for sensitivity.
Ways to use:
- Glycerin plus sour essence. Mix 2 articles if alcohol/2St.l. vinegar, adding there 1St.l. from glycerin. Instead of alcohol you can use natural propolis (tincture), it's a little bit to increase efficiency. The prepared composition of the process all the affected area daily. Try not to touch and the skin healthy. The course includes 15-30 sessions and continues until the infected nails gradually, not disappear and starts to otraStAMB healthy.
- Ointment made from eggs and vinegar. Fill the whole egg 100g. Vinegar. It is more convenient to place it in a jar. Let onStаивAMBся 7 days, until the whole shell itself is not dissolve. Instead it will be just a thin film that is to be removed. Add a slice (100 gg) softened oil, all beat up. The finished creamy emulsion to handle all the affected places, so compress after steaming.
Essential oils are actively used in the fight against the boring sponge.
What kinds of oils they help against onychomycosis:
- eucalyptus;
- tea tree;
- mint;
- pine;
- thymol;
- lemon;
- castor;
- coconut;
- avocado.

Ways to use:
- Eucalyptus oil can be mixed, add a little vinegar. The finished mixture is stored only in the fridge. Resist his 3 days, then handle the nails, until the complete disappearance of the disease.
- Oil of lemon – actively assists by yourself and within the other oils. Handle them all the affected places, pouch excess with a cotton swab. A course lasting 10 days. The oil gradually lighten the nails, clean them up and get back the natural healthy color. Courses session continues with regular breaks, until the board is fully treated.
- Works well the fraction of oil of lemon with other tea tree oil. The only minus – tea tree can contribute to the darkening of the nail, but the board will be healthy and increase strength. In addition, this oil removes unpleasant odors. Experts advise in the treatment at the same time, modify the food, add the garlic. An excellent antiseptic, which is able to influence all fungal cells from the inside, helping to more quickly heal.
Glycolic acid and acid pine
It is difficult to purchase in local pharmacies. Cheap, but fancy means. Their use for home treatment of mold, you follow the skin and infected nail. Before the procedure it is better to remove the fingers from the burrs and cuticles, also a thorough inspection of the skin. You cannot hold the sessions, if available, fresh Cut, abrasion, bruise or redness.
Ways to use:
- Need a 2-5% solution of both acids. Them cures the pre-steamed nails.
- The acid, expressed as fungechidne action, this is the reason why it is often used for peeling, because they are able to destroy the top Orogovisi layer of the dermis and the affected nail.
- Process the surface should be gently, careful not to affect the other. A healthy area.

Here there are several forms of application. If powder, then moistened with normal ear wand in warm water, touch it to the dry powder. Then process all the affected places. Manganese prizegAET the skin, killing the pathogens.
In the household are more often used Margantowka against various diseases. Especially, when it is necessary to decontaminate the affected area, killing the microbes.
Ways to use:
- Anti-fungal bath. You need 0.5 ml of ordinary vinegar, 10 gr. crystals of manganese. Dissolve it into 10 l. of boiled hot water. Stir and in the resulting mixture, to hold 20 minutes feet. Repeat sessions for a full recovery.
- Aids. 0,5 h. l. liquid Margantowka dissolve in a glass of boiled warm water. Drop there lemon juice. Mix and soak the cloth. He pulled lightly squeeze and attach to the affected region. Top wrap immediately, or wear clean socks. Endure the the cream 15 minutes.
Chlorine lime
Use caution, poisonous blend!
Ways to use:
- 50 g of lime diluted with 1l npovařené water. Stir thoroughly and from the resulting solution for 3 minutes omit the feet.
- Then, keeping the legs for 15 minutes in the second bath with a soda solution (soda diluted).
This procedure – twice a week.
After the bath the skin and all the nails to handle the extra essential oils.
Use caution, non-toxic! Keep in the ability to far away from curious children.
Method of application:
- Undiluted can be applied to the surface of the affected nail. Endure minute and rinse off with normal running water.
- After the application of moisturize the skin essential oils or antigrynkowym cream.
- Frequency of application – 3-5 times (total).

In addition, you can use a regular cookbook, or a true sea salt, look what exists.
What you'll need:
- iodine (pharmacy);
- salt – 2St.l.;
- water – a liter;
- soda – glass.
Method of application:
- Do the bath. For this mix the sea salt with a glass of normal baking soda. Dilute a liter of boiled hot water. Wait until the mixture has cooled a bit, then dip your feet.
- At the end of the cut nail file foot, finely cut soft Orogopavshie land.
- Wash your feet, using the economic soap, process iodine. And the places affected by the fungus, process three times, waiting for drying of each successive layer.
Previously it is often used in homes. Kombucha can help against mold and mildew. Need any solution, while the pieces of myself on mushrooms. Their gently attach the denser the to the was hit by parts, after which wraps the above polyethylene. You can leave the cream on overnight, or remove after it dries. In addition to drink away the tincture, resulting from the tea fungus.
Prevention of nail fungus
Treatment of mold and mildew procedure is long and exhausting. It requires a systematic approach and careful execution of all instructions. It works best methodology for a comprehensive treatment, when the patient uses the allocated doctor medications and hold home sessions – trays, makes the gadgets, app. The more that the natural ingredients are available, they are cheap. Some there are houses, such as aloe, iodine, walnut or common salt.
Most of the after the treatment continues with a normal life, without thinking about the likelihood of a recurrence of fungus infection. Unfortunately, the disease spreads easily, the immunity against him isn't any.
You can only reduce the probability of infection, if you follow the following security measures:
- reduce the using of different pills sweating of the feet;
- timely change (clear necessarily) socks;
- it is advisable to buy natural cotton socks to allow the skin to "breathe" in them;
- regularly aired and cleaned shoes;
- have your own toiletries (sponge, bathrobe, slippers);
- no wear on the ability of someone else's shoes (even if they offer sneakers on the visit);
- the selection of shoes is not the measure, so make sure you bring socks;
- every day you wash them with soap the feet, wipe them dry;
- not to wear one footwear a long time, and especially in the summer – let it be a pair of shoes at work, school or institute;
- after treating the mold to change all manicure needs;
- keep your own nail set;
- for the prevention regularly use some antifungal ointment or spray, especially after a session of pedicure/manicure;
- see how the master took the sterilized tools;
- take a shower, attend public swimming pools/saunas/steam rooms/spas and other similar places.
It's simple steps to protect themselves from the threat of re-infection. In addition, will keep your feet healthy and reduce the natural sweating. Unfortunately, the men to cure the fungus tends to be more complex, because the function of wearing shoes. Men more often take closed shoes, worn with thick, dark socks, even in summer. Rarely use smenku. Consequently, the feet are sweating, they appear unpleasant, sour smell. Few who regularly blurs the used socks. It is therefore important preventative measures cannot be underestimated.
As you can see, folk remedies that help get rid of thrush quite a lot. They all give a different effect. However, the selection for yourself, it is worth to realize that onychomycosis (the nail) has its varieties and each needs an individual approach. In addition to natural ingredients help normal pharmacy means, such as aspirin or boric acid.